Registration Guide
Tips and Pointers
You only need to complete the form once.
We distribute a random selection of protein on the USDA day, which falls on the third Saturday of every month, between 8 - 11 a.m.
Drive Thru
Our distribution is entirely drive-thru, beginning from 8-10 a.m. We have several early birds who queue up two hours before the start time.
Identification is not required, but you will be asked for your phone number at gate. Please ensure that the number you provide matches the one you wrote down on the form.
Program Requirements and Policies
Requistitos y Politicas del Programa
To qualify for membership in the food program, you must be 18 years of age or older.
• Income (monthly) guidelines are 200% of poverty - for example; 1 person household $1,962 or less, 2 person household $2,566 or less, 3 person household $3,348 or less.
• Boxes of food must be picked up on the distribution day, during the distribution time - boxes cannot be held.
• If you cannot come to the Food Program site, you must make your own arrangements to have your box picked up.
• Your name will be dropped from the membership list if you fail to follow the rules and guidlines set by Vida-Life Ministries.
• Notify a registation associate for any changes in address or household-size.
Para calificar para ser miembro del Programa de Alimentos debe tener 18 años de edad o más.
• Las pautas de ingresos (mensuales) son el 200 % de la pobreza, por ejemplo; hogar de 1 persona 1.962 dólares o menos, hogar de 2 personas 2.566 dólares o menos, hogar de 3 personas 3.348 dólares o menos.
• Las cajas de comida deben recogerse el día de la distribución, durante el tiempo de distribución; las cajas no se pueden retenidas.
• Si no puede venir al programa de alimentos, debe hacer sus propios arreglos para que recojan su caja.
• Su nombre será eliminado de la lista de miembros si no sigue las reglas y directrices establecidas por Vida-Life Ministries.
• Notificar a un asociado de registro de cualquier cambio en la dirección o en el tamaño del hogar.